Classical nova V1280 Sco (Nova Scorpii 2007, Number 1) appeared in February 2007. Between 2007 and 2011 there were numerous multiband optical and spectrographic observations. V1280 Sco reached visual magnitude of approximately 3.8, then faded to about 13.2, brightened to about 12.7, and underwent a dust dip in 2007 to less than 15.6V. It recovered to about 10.3 a year later and has remained around that magnitude until mid-2017. These observations have indicated that V1280 Sco is an extremely slowly evolving nova in the historical record. In early 2018, the AAVSO issued an alert notice (AAVSO Alert Notice 634) for continuing filtered observations, preferably in V and/or B band with ideally a nightly cadence. Additionally, it was suspected that there might be periodicity that should be investigated. This paper will present the results of U, B, V, R, I, and visual observations since the alert notice was issued. Data has been obtained by both AAVSO observers and ASAS-SN automated assets.